version 1.0.2
IntroductionThe C++/Tk library does not need any extensive documentation, since it
is meant to provide interface to the existing GUI toolkit.
If you already know Tk from elsewhere (for example, from Tcl), you will
find C++/Tk very intuitive.
If not, you may find tons of Tk-related tutorials on the web and you
may also buy good books about this toolkit. Those that I know and can
recommend are:
Of course, it was necessary to change the original syntax in order to make it parseable by the C++ compiler. In some particular cases, it was necessary to change the names of commands and options, to resolve conflicts. The rest of this document presents the examples for each Tk element, listed alphabetically.
In the following examples, names ".b1"
, ".b2"
, etc. denote existing
buttons, ".f1"
, ".f2"
, etc. denote existing frames, etc.
Tk command | C++/Tk example |
bell | bell(); |
bind | void fun1(); void fun2(int x, int y); void fun3(string const &win, int x, int y); // and later: bind(".f1", "<Button-1>", fun1); bind(".f2", "<Button-1>", fun2, event_x, event_y); bind(".f3", "<Button-1>", fun3, event_W, event_x, event_y); Note: You can specify arguments (up to 10) to the callback functions (like |
bindtags | bindtags(".b1"); bindtags(".b1", "all . Button .b1"); |
button | button(".b1") -text("Press me") -command(fun); string bname(button(".b2") -text("Press me too") -fg("blue") -command(fun)); |
canvas | canvas(".c"); |
checkbutton | checkbutton(".cb") -text("select me"); |
clipboard | clipboard(clear); clipboard(clear) -displayof(".top"); clipboard(append, "hello"); string s(clipboard(get)); |
console | - (not implemented) |
destroy | destroy(".b"); |
entry | entry(".e"); |
event | - (not implemented) |
focus | focus() -displayof("."); focus(".e"); focus() -force(".e"); focus() -lastfor("."); |
font | fonts(create, "myfont"); fonts(configure, "myfont") -size(20) -underline(true); fonts(deletefont, "myfont"); fonts(families); The |
frame | frame(".f"); |
grab | string cur(grab(current)); string cur(grab(current, ".f")); grab(release, ".f"); grab(set, ".f"); grab(setglobal, ".f"); string stat(grab(status, ".f")); |
grid | Box b(grid(bbox, ".", 2, 3)); grid(columnconfigure, ".", 3) -minsize(5) -weight(2) -uniform("abc") -pad(5); grid(configure, ".b") -column(3) -columnspan(2) -in(".") -row(2) -rowspan(2) -sticky("nw"); grid(forget, ".e"); |
image | string img(images(create, bitmap)); images(create, photo, "myimg") -file("myimg.jpg"); images(deleteimg, "myimg"); int h(images(height, "myimg")); Note: bitmap options Note: photo options |
label | label(".lab"); |
labelframe | labelframe(".lf"); |
listbox | listbox(".lb"); |
lower | lower(".e");lower(".e", ".f"); |
menu | menu(".m"); |
menubutton | menubutton(".mb"); |
message | message(".msg"); |
option | option(add, "abc", "def"); option(add, "abc", "def", interactive); option(clear); option(get, ".w", "abc", "def"); option(readfile, "file"); |
pack | pack(".b") -side(left) -expand(true) -fill(x); pack(configure, ".b") -padx(5); pack(".b1", ".b2", ".b3"); |
panedwindow | panedwindow(".pw"); |
place | place(".b") -relx(5) -rely(10); place(configure, ".b") -relx(5); |
radiobutton | radiobutton(".rb"); |
raise | raise(".b"); raise(".b", ".f"); |
scale | scale(".s"); |
scrollbar | scrollbar(".sb"); |
selection | selection(clear) -displayof(".w") -sel("PRIMARY"); selection(get) -cliptype("STRING"); Note: |
send | - (not implemented) |
spinbox | spinbox(".sp"); |
text | textw(".t"); |
tk | - (not implemented) |
tk_chooseColor | string newColor(tk_chooseColor() -initialcolor("blue") -parent(".") -title("select color")); |
tk_chooseDirectory | string newDir(tk_chooseDirectory() -initialdir("/usr/home") -mustexist(true)); |
tk_dialog | string response(tk_dialog(".d", "some title", "some text", warning, "OK", "OK", "Cancel")); |
tk_focusNext tk_focusPrev |
tk_focusNext(".b"); tk_focusPrev(".b"); |
tk_focusFollowsMouse | - (not implemented) |
tk_getOpenFile tk_getSaveFile |
string newFile(tk_getOpenFile() -defaultextension(".txt") -filetypes("{{Text files} {.txt}}") -initialfile("file.txt") -multiple()); |
tk_menuSetFocus | tk_menuSetFocus(".m"); |
tk_messageBox | tk_messageBox() -defaultbutton("ok") -icon(question) -messagetext("some text") -messagetype(okcancel); |
tk_optionMenu | string menuVal; tk_optionMenu(".m", menuVal, values.begin(), values.end()); |
tk_setPalette | tk_setPalette("blue"); |
tk_textCopy tk_textCut tk_textPaste |
tk_textCopy(".t"); tk_textCut(".t"); tk_textPaste(".t"); |
tk_error | - (not implemented) |
tkvars | - (not implemented) |
tkwait | tkwait(visibility, ".w"); tkwait(window, ".w"); |
toplevel | toplevel(".w"); |
winfo | winfo(rootx, ".w"); |
wm | wm(geometry, ".w", "=100x200+50+60"); wm(iconify, ".w"); wmprotocol(".w", "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", fun); |
Tcl command | C++/Tk example |
after | after(500); after(500, fun); afteridle(fun); |
update | update(); update(idletasks); |
Tk widget command | C++/Tk example |
activate | ".lb" << activate(5); |
add | ".m" << add(command) -label("choose me") -command(fun); |
addtag | string myrectangle(".c" << create(rectangle, 10, 20, 30, 40)); ".c" << addtag("mytag", myrectangle); ".c" << addtag("mytag2", enclosed, 0, 0, 100, 100); |
bbox | Box b1(".c" << bbox("mytag")); vector<string> items; // ... Box b2(".c" << bbox(items.begin(), items.end())); // any InputIterator allowed ".e" << bbox(5); |
bind | ".c" << bind(...); // see also the command bind above |
blank | "myphoto" << blank(); |
canvasx canvasy |
int x1 = (".c" << canvasx(57)); int x2 = (".c" << canvasx(57, 10)); |
cget | string color(".b1" << cget(foreground)); int w = (".b1" << cget(width)); |
compare | ".t" << compare(txt(5,6), "<", txt(6,5)); |
configure | ".b1" << configure() -foreground("blue"); ".b2" << configure() -state(disabled); |
coords | Box b(".c" << coords(myrectangle)); ".c" << coords(mytext, 100, 50); ".c" << coords(Point(100, 50)); ".c" << coords(myrectangle, 10, 20, 30, 40); ".c" << coords(myrectangle, Point(10, 20), Point(30, 40)); ".c" << coords(myrectangle, Box(10, 20, 30, 40)); int crds[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80}; ".c" << coords(mypolygon, &crds[0], &crds[0] + 8); // any InputIterator allowed |
create | ".c" << create(text, 100, 50) -text("Hello"); ".c" << create(text, Point(100, 50)); ".c" << create(rectangle, 10, 20, 30, 40); ".c" << create(rectangle, Point(10, 20), Point(30, 40)); ".c" << create(rectangle, Box(10, 20, 30, 40)); int crds[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80}; ".c" << create(line, &crds[0], &crds[0] + 8); // any InputIterator allowed |
curselection | string cur(".lb" << curselection()); |
dchars | ".c" << dchars(mytext, 4, 7); |
debug | ".t" << debug(); ".t" << debug(true); |
delete | ".m" << deleteentry(5); ".m" << deleteentry(5, 8); ".c" << deleteitem(myrectangle); vector<string> items; // ... ".c" << deleteitem(items.begin(), items.end()); // any InputIterator allowed ".e" << deletetext(5); ".e" << deletetext(5, end); Note1: Note2: |
delta | ".sb" << delta(50, 60); |
deselect | ".cb" << deselect(); |
dlineinfo | ".t" << dlineinfo(txt(5,6)); |
dtag | ".c" << dtag(mytag); ".c" << dtag(mytag1, mytag2); |
dump | ".t" << dump(txt(5,6)) -all(); |
edit | ".t" << edit(undo); |
entrycget | ".m" << entrycget(5, menulabel); |
find | string items(".c" << find(enclosed, 0, 0, 100, 100)); // args like with addtag |
flash | ".b1" << flash(); |
focus | string focused(".c" << focus()); ".c" << focus(mytext); |
forget | ".pw" << forget(".b"); |
fraction | ".sb" << fraction(50, 60); |
get | ".e" << get(); ".lb" << get(5); ".lb" << get(5, 8); |
gettags | string tags(".c" << gettags(myrectangle)); |
icursor | ".c" << icursor(mytext, 5); ".c" << icursor(mytext, end); ".e" << icursor(5); |
identify | ".pw" << identify(50, 60); |
image | ".t" << images(cget, txt(5,6), align); ".t" << images(configure, txt(5,6)) -align(bottom); |
index | ".c" << index(mytext, end); ".e" << index(at(25)); |
insert | ".c" << insert(mytext, end, "hello"); ".e" << insert(5, "hello"); ".m" << insert(5, checkbutton); |
invoke | ".b" << invoke(); ".m" << invoke(5); |
itemcget itemconfigure |
".c" << itemcget(myrectangle, outline); ".lb" << itemcget(5, background); ".c" << itemconfigure(myrectangle) -outline("blue"); ".lb" << itemconfigure(5) -background("blue"); |
lower | ".c" << lower(myrectangle); ".c" << lower(myrectangle, myoval); |
mark | ".t" << mark(set, "mymark", txt(5,6)); ".t" << mark(gravity, "mymark", left); |
move | ".c" << move(myrectangle, 10, 20); |
moveto | ".sb" << moveto(0.2); |
panecget paneconfigure |
".pw" << panecget(".b", height); ".pw" << paneconfigure(".b") -height(20); |
panes | ".pw" << panes(); |
post postcascade |
".m" << post(100, 150); ".m" << postcascade(5); |
postscript | ".c" << postscript() -colormode(color) -file("file.eps"); |
proxy | ".pw" << proxy(place, 50, 60); ".pw" << proxy(forget); |
put | "photo1" << put("red") -to(10, 20);
Note: only single colors are supported. |
raise | ".c" << raise(myrectangle); |
read | "photo1" << read("photo.gif") -to(10, 20); |
redither | "photo1" << redither(); |
sash | ".pw" << sash(place, 2, 50, 60); |
scale | ".c" << scale("item", 10, 20, 1.5, 1.6); |
scan | ".c" << scan(mark, 10, 20); ".e" << scan(mark, 10); |
scroll | ".sb" << scroll(5, units); |
search | ".t" << search("pattern", txt(5,6), txt(5,end)); |
see | ".t" << see(txt(5,6)); |
select | ".c" << select(clear); ".cb" << select(); |
selection | ".e" << selection(from, 5); ".lb" << selection(set, 5, 8); |
set | ".s" << set(150); ".sb" << set(0.2, 0.4); |
size | int size(".lb" << getsize()); |
tag | ".t" << tag(add, txt(5,6), txt(5,end)); ".t" << tag(bind, "mytag", "<Button-1>", fun); ".t" << tag(cget, "mytag", background); ".t" << tag(deletetag, "mytag"); |
toggle | ".cb" << toggle(); |
transparency | "photo1" << transparency(get, 10, 20); "photo1" << transparency(set, 10, 20, true); |
type | string mytype(".c" << type(myitem)); |
validate | ".e" << validate(); |
window | ".t" << windows(cget, txt(5,6), align); ".t" << windows(configure, txt(5,6)) -align(center); ".t" << windows(create, txt(5,6)); ".t" << windows(names); |
write | "photo1" << write("photo.gif") -from(10, 20, 30, 40) -grayscale(); |
xview yview |
".c" << xview(moveto, 0.5); ".c" << yview(scroll, 5, units); ".e" << xview(5); |
yposition | int y = (".m" << yposition(5)); |
Tk option | C++/Tk example |
accelerator | ".m" << entryconfigure(5) -accelerator("Ctrl-x"); |
activebackground activeborderwidth activeforeground activerelief |
button(".b") -activebackground("blue"); menu(".m") -activeborderwidth(3); button(".b") -activeforeground("blue"); scrollbar(".sb") -activerelief(sunken); |
after | pack(configure, ".b1") -after(".b2"); |
anchor | pack(".b") -anchor(w); |
aspect | message(".msg") -text("hello world") -aspect(100); |
autoseparators | textw(".t") -undo(true) -autoseparators(true); |
background bg |
button(".b") -background("white"); button(".b") -bg("white"); |
before | pack(configure, ".b1") -before(".b2"); |
bgstipple | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -bgstipple("mybitmap"); |
bigincrement | scale(".s") -bigincrement(10); |
bitmap | button(".b") -bitmap(warning); |
bordermode | place(".b") -bordermode(inside); |
borderwidth bd |
frame(".f") -borderwidth(3); frame(".f") -bd(3); |
buttonbackground buttoncursor buttondownrelief buttonuprelief |
spinbox(".sp") -buttonbackground("blue") -buttoncursor("mycursor") -buttondownrelief(sunen) -buttonuprelief(raised); |
class | frame(".f") -wndclass("myclass"); |
closeenough | canvas(".c") -closeenough(3.0); |
colormap | labelframe(".lf") -colormap("new"); |
columnbreak | ".m" << add(radiobutton) -columnbreak(true); |
command | button(".b") -command(fun); // fun is any function or function object with no parameters |
compound | button(".b") -compound(left); |
confine | canvas(".c") -confine(true); |
container | labelframe(".lf") -container(true); |
cursor | frame(".f") -cursor(mycursor); |
default | button(".b") -defaultstate(active); |
digits | scale(".s") -digits(3); |
direction | menubutton(".mb") -direction(above); |
disabledbackground disabledforeground |
entry(".e") -disabledbackground("gray"); button(".b") -disabledforeground("gray"); |
elementborderwidth | scrollbar(".sb") -elementborderwidth(2); |
elide | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -elide(true); |
expand | pack(".b") -expand(true); |
exportselection | ".e" << configure() -exportselection(true); |
fill | pack(".b") -expand(true) -fill(x); |
font | label(".l") -text("hello") -font("courier"); |
foreground fg |
button(".b") -foreground("blue"); button(".b") -fg("blue"); |
fgstipple | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -fgstipple("mybitmap"); |
format | spinbox(".sp") -format("%0.2f"); |
from | "photo1" << copy("photo2") -from(10, 20, 30, 40); scale(".s") -from(1000); |
gamma | images(create, photo) -gamma(1.5); |
grayscale | "photo1" << write("photo.gif") -grayscale(); |
handlepad handlesize |
panedwindow(".pw") -handlepad(50) -handlesize(10); |
height | frame(".f") -height(100); |
highlightbackground highlightcolor highlightthickness |
button(".b") -highlightbackground("blue") -highlightcolor("blue") -highlightthickness(5); |
image | button(".b") -image(myimage); |
in | pack(".b") -in(".f"); |
increment | spinbox(".sp") -from(0) -to(10) -increment(0.1); |
indicatoron | checkbutton(".cb") -indicatoron(false); |
insertbackground insertborderwidth |
canvas(".c") -insertbackground("blue") -insertborderwidth(3); |
insertofftime insertontime insertwidth |
canvas(".c") -insertofftime(100) -insertontime(150) -insertwidth(2); |
invalidcommand | entry(".e") -invalidcommand("bell");
Note: also acepts functions and function objects without parameters. |
ipadx ipady |
pack(".b") -ipadx(5) -ipady("2c"); |
jump | scrollbar(".sb") -jump(true); |
justify | label(".l") -justify(center); |
label | ".m" << add(command) -menulabel("select me"); |
labelanchor | labelframe(".lf") -text("hello") -labelanchor(nw); |
labelwidget | labelframe(".lf") -labelwidget(".lf.w"); |
length | scale(".s") -length(100); |
listvariable | - (not implemented) |
lmargin1 lmargin2 |
".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -lmargin1(20) -lmargin2(5); |
maxundo | textw(".t") -undo(true) -maxundo(100); |
menu | ".m" << add(cascade) -submenu(".m.m"); menubutton(".mb") -submenu(".mb.m"); |
offrelief | checkbutton(".cb") -offrelief(raised); |
offset | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -offset(2); |
offvalue onvalue |
checkbutton(".cb") -offvalue(-1) -onvalue(1); |
opaqueresize | panedwindow(".pw") -opaqueresize(true); |
orient | panedwindow(".pw") -orient(horizontal); |
overrelief | button(".b") -overrelief(raised); |
overstrike | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -overstrike(true); |
padx pady |
pack(".b") -padx(5) -pady(5); |
palette | images(create, photo) -gamma(1.5) -palette(10); |
postcommand | menu(".m") -postcommand(fun); // fun is any function or function object with no parameters |
readonlybackground | ".e" << configure() -readonlybackground("gray"); |
relheight relwidth |
place(".b") -relheight(0.5) -relwidth(0.5); |
relief | frame(".f") -relief(raised); |
relx rely |
place(".b") -relx(10) -rely(20); |
repeatdelay repeatinterval |
button(".b") -repeatdelay(100); button(".b") -repeatinterval(100); |
resolution | scale(".s") -resolution(10); |
rmargin | ".t" << tag(configure, "mytag") -rmargin(20); |
sashcursor sashpad sashrelief sashwidth |
panedwindow(".pw") -sashcursor("mycursor") -sashpad(5) -sashrelief(raised) -sashwidth(10); |
screen | toplevel(".w") -screen("scr"); |
scrollregion | canvas(".c") -scrollregion(10, 20, 30, 40); |
selectbackground selectborderwidth selectforeground |
canvas(".c") -selectbackground("blue") -selectborderwidth(3) -selectforeground("red"); |
selectcolor selectimage |
checkbutton(".cb") -selectcolor("blue"); checkbutton(".cb") -selectimage(myimage); |
setgrid | listbox(".lb") -setgrid(true); |
show | ".e" << configure() -show("*"); |
showhandle | panedwindow(".pw") -showhandle(true); |
showvalue | scale(".s") -showvalue(true); |
shrink | "photo1" << copy("photo2") -shrink(); |
sliderlength sliderrelief |
scale(".s") -sliderlength(100) -sliderrelief(raised); |
spacing1 spacing2 spacing3 |
textw(".t") -spacing1(5) -spacing2(6) -spacing3(7); |
state | button(".b") -state(disabled); |
subsample | "photo1" << copy("photo2") -subsample(3, 4); |
tabs | textw(".t") -tabs("2c left 4c 6c center"); |
tag | ".t" << dump(txt(1,0), end) -tags(); |
takefocus | entry(".e") -takefocus(true); |
tearoff tearoffcommand |
menu(".m") -tearoff(true) -tearoffcommand(fun);
Note: |
text | button(".b") -text("press me"); |
textvariable | string s; entry(".e") -textvariable(s); Note: also works with |
title | menu(".m") -tearoff(true) -title("My menu"); |
to | "photo1" << copy("photo2") -to(10, 20, 30, 40); scale(".s") -from(10) -to(100); |
troughcolor | scale(".s") -troughcolor("blue"); |
underline | button(".b") -text("hello") -underline(1); |
validate validatecommand |
bool mycheck(string const &s) { /* ... */ } entry(".e") -validate(key) -validatecommand(mycheck, valid_P); Note: |
value values |
radiobutton(".r") -value("second"); spinbox(".sp") -values("a b c"); |
variable | int i; checkbutton(".cb") -variable(i); |
visual | - (not implemented) |
width | button(".b") -width(40); |
wrap | spinbox(".sp") -from(0) -to(10) -wrap(true); |
wraplength | label(".l") -wraplength(20); |
x y |
place(".b") -x(10) -y(20); |
xscrollcommand yscrollcommand |
canvas(".c") -xscrollcommand("xcmd") -yscrollcommand("ycmd"); |
xscrollincrement yscrollincrement |
canvas(".c") -xscrollincrement(10) -yscrollincrement(20); |
zoom | "photo1" << copy("photo2") -zoom(3, 4); |
In addition to the fact that every option name and some of the command
names can be used as string constants, there is also a set of constants
defined in the cpptkconstants.x
at(x, y)
creates string "@x,y"
creates string "@x"
txt(ln, ch)
creates string ""
std::string rgb(r, g, b);
function formats the "#rrggbb"
string, useful for color definitions.event_A
option of the entry widget, the following specifiers can be used
(equivalent to %
substitutions in Tcl/Tk):valid_d
, int
, double
or std::string
, after
, etc. In
addition, the following are provided:
template <class Functor> std::string
callback(Functor f);
- this function will register a callback
and return a name for respective Tcl procedure. This name can be used
in those places where the callback is expected, but the registration
takes place only once.void deleteCallback(std::string const &name);
- this function unregisters a callback with the given name.class CallbackHandle;
- this class ca be used as a
RAII wrapper for registering and unregistering callbacks. The get()
method is used to retrieve the callback name.std::string()
(a class with two int
members: x
and y
(a class with four int
members: x1
, y1
, x2
and y2
)std::pair<T1, T2>
template <typename T> std::string linkVar(T &t);
- used to create an explicit link between C++ variable and Tcl
variable. Returns the name of Tcl variable.template <typename T> void unLinkVar(T &t);
- used to remove the linking between C++ variable and Tcl variable.class LinkHandle;
- can be used as a RAII wrapper
for linking variables. The get()
method is used to
retrieve the name of respective Tcl variable.std::string eval(std::string const &str);
this function forces evaluation of the given script. Can be used when
everything else fails. :-)void init(char *argv0);
- should be called at the
beginning of the C++/Tk program with the value of argv[0]
.void runEventLoop();
- runs the Tk event toop.
Normally never returns.void setDumpStream(std::ostream &os);
- set
the stream for dumping Tcl/Tk commands. Can be useful for testing and
debugging.The whole C++/Tk library consists of the following files: cpptk.h
, cpptkoptions.x
, cpptkconstants.x
and base/
and base/
can be compiled to the object files and
reused in many projects, just like in the example programs. They may
also be compiled to the form of an archive or a shared library.
It is important to note that the *.x
files are not compilable and should not be
included as project files in the IDE. However, they should be placed in
a directory where they can be visible by the preprocessor while
compiling the project (they are #include
d by cpptk.h
The C++/Tk library depends on the Boost library (see
Any recent version of this library should work fine. Note that it is not necessary to compile or
install Boost - it is enough to just upack it in some place and provide
the relevant path when compiling C++/Tk programs. Boost is also not
needed for the compiled programs to run.
Of course, the Tcl/Tk header files and libraries are also necessary.
Any recent version of Tcl/Tk should work fine.
Two separate options can be used when compiling C++/Tk programs:
- this option will define the
appropriate preprocessor macro, which will cause the application to
dump all Tk commands to the stream defined by the call to setDumpStream
- this option will define the
appropriate preprocessor macro, which will cause the application not to evaluate the Tk commands.Both options can be useful when testing and debugging C++/Tk programs and are used in tests that accompany the library.
On Unix-like systems, the following command is enough to compile a one-file C++/Tk program (shown for FreeBSD):
$ g++ base/ -o myprog
-I/usr/local/include/tk8.4 -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/usr/local/include/boost_1_33_0 -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl84 -ltk84
Depending on the specific Unix system, it may be necessary to use
different search paths or threading option (-lpthread
typical on Linux, but may not be needed at all).
Note also that a decent g++ compiler is necessary (in particular, g++ 2.95 or 2.96 will not work).